I received a ticket for the inspection sticker being mutilated, discolored and duck tape on the edge of bar code 4-09 (j)(7). Is it possible that the parking warrior encountered a fake registration sticker and issued a ticket based off what he observed? He even entered the correct expiration date of my new registration, but he did not enter sticker number. Can you please tell me ,if it is possible to encounter a fake registration sticker and if the traffic warrior required to provide the sticker serial number? Also, is it illegal, of someone on the outside of the glass windshield places a duck tape on your registration sticker?
manic miner windows registration code
Recently, someone sent me a link to Clifford Stoll's TED talk from February 2006, and yesterday I finally watched. Actually, I listened more than I watched, for two reasons. First, because I was multitasking in several other windows, as I always am at the machine. Second, because Stoll's manic style jumping around the stage isn't much to my liking. 2ff7e9595c